Slipping Rib Syndrome .org
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This page will focus on the surgery that is used to stabilise the ribs affected by slipping rib syndrome and is a permanent solution.
Until recently, in severe cases of SRS the only surgery available was resection. In this procedure parts of the offending ribs are resected (removed). Resection is still used in some patients and is often successful. More recently, Dr Adam Hansen, of Bridgeport, West Virginia developed a new technique, known as 'Hansen's repair' or 'The Hansen Method' to suture (stabilise) the ribs back into their natural position and re-connecting them to the ribs above and the costal arch, preventing them from subluxing, moving on and under other ribs, and the intercostal nerves. Sometimes, parts of the removed rib cartilage are used between the ribs and spacers, and depending on the individual circumstances, absorbable plates are sometimes used. Dr Hansen's technique has been very successful in reducing pain and improving mobility and quality of life of many people with slipping rib syndrome. There are still some surgeons that resect ribs but Dr Hansen has shared his technique with other surgeons across the world, who are slowly adapting to his method.
Below are 3 videos of Dr. Hansen talking about this procedure, followed by a video of Dr Joel Dunning, of James Cook Hospital, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, performing the surgery. You can find a link to Dr. Hansen's report along with some other studies here.