Slipping Rib Syndrome .org
Follow this link to our google drive folder containing documents and studies from medical professionals relating to the diagnosis and treatment of slipping rib syndrome. If you think you have SRS you may find it helpful to print these to take to your doctor to aid you in getting a referral to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Many doctors are not taught about SRS and sometimes get it confused with costochondritis/Tietze syndrome, which are separate conditions to be managed differently.
The documents include:
Slipping Rib Syndrome, a review of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. - Lisa E McMahon
Slipping Rib Syndrome: An Elusive Diagnosis - Nelson Turucios
Slipping Rib Syndrome - Joroen Verwichte
Minimally invasive repair of adult Slipping Rib Syndrome without costal cartilage excision - Adam Hansen et al
Vertical rib plating for the treatment of Slipping Rib Syndrome - Lisa E McMahon et al
Dynamic Ultrasound in the Evaluation of patients with suspected Slipping Rib Syndrome - Dane Van Tassel et al
The use of dynamic ultrasound in the diagnosis of slipping rib syndrome - Andrew R.T. Bain, Mohammad Ali Shah, Ian Hunt.
Here you can find some publications relating to subluxation of the costo-transferse joint AKA Rib Head Syndrome.
Here you can find some publications relating to 12th Rib Syndrome.