Slipping Rib Syndrome .org

This website was set up by an SRS sufferer who wanted to do his bit to raise awareness of this underdiagnosed condition, and to help others who may have SRS to find information that could lead to realisation of their condition, diagnosis, treatment, and a fulfilling, pain-free future.
I realised when I was searching myself that there was no single website with information and support. Reliable information and articles were hard to find, and so I wanted to create a place where others could easily find everything relating to SRS in one place.
SRS can be a lonely condition. As well as living in chronic pain every day, it often affects us mentally, and emotionally, since many sufferers are initially told after months or years of tests that there is nothing wrong with them and it is all in their head, as most doctors are not routinely educated on SRS, and do not know how to spot, diagnose or treat it.
I want to change that. I want to raise awareness of SRS within the medical community, I want to keep this website running so that others can find what they need, and to be there to direct support to the people who need it.
I set up and run this website single-handedly, I put my time into responding to anyone who needs an ear or someone to point them in the direction of help, and the website does have monthly hosting costs which I am currently funding myself. If this website has helped you or you'd like to show support by donating, any amount however small, would be gratefully appreciated in going towards the running costs. Thank You